Close Encounters with Inner Aliens
In collaboration with Floris de Lange, Floortje Bouwkamp & Matthias Ekman (RU/Donders Instituut)
Close Encounters with Inner Aliens
In collaboration with Floris de Lange, Floortje Bouwkamp & Matthias Ekman (RU/Donders Instituut)
Driven by curiosity, humans' alien imaginations serve as a lens to perceive other worlds; however, they are entirely shaped by preconceptions. This project explores diverse alien interpretations, highlighting their sociopolitical influence on perceptions of otherness. Utilizing fMRI and Midjourney, our alien imaginations will be investigated personally and collectively by applying guided meditation to individuals and AI respectively. Ultimately, an atlas visualizing aliens from the internal worlds will be developed, prompting audiences to introspect their cognitive biases and perceptions of otherness.