BAD Award winners 2023 announced!

We want to thank everyone for coming last Friday to the BAD Award final selection 2023. We are happy to announce the 3 winners of the €25000 each, who will exhibit in the upcoming BAD Award exhibition that opens on December 15th! Congratulations to Anna Vershinina & Wieger Wamelink with ExoGarden: 3D-Printed Modular Eco-Habitats for Earth and Space, Hung Lu Chan + Floortje Bouwkamp & Floris de Lange with Atlas of Aliens: The Other Within Us and Pamela Varela + Ella Hebendanz & Joris Koene with re-c(O)unting.

Here are the 3 winning proposals of the BAD Award 2023!

Anna Vershinina & Wieger Wamelink

| ExoGarden: 3D-Printed Modular Eco-Habitats for Earth and Space

Modern architecture has a profound negative impact on the environment, accounting for 40% of total carbon emissions. ExoGarden is an innovative architectural prototype that allows rapid cultivation of shelter and food. Harnessing recent breakthroughs in space food production, this modular system exhibits the capacity to sustain life within resource-deprived, extreme areas on Earth and in space, while also bioremediating the environment. Such life-promoting, resilient strategies empower communities in harsh environments and set new paradigms for inhabitation.

Hung Lu Chan + Floortje Bouwkamp & Floris de Lange

| Atlas of Aliens: The Other Within Us

Driven by curiosity, humans' alien imaginations serve as a lens to perceive other worlds; however, they are entirely shaped by preconceptions. This project explores diverse alien interpretations, highlighting their sociopolitical influence on perceptions of otherness. Utilizing fMRI and Midjourney, our alien imaginations will be investigated personally and collectively by applying guided meditation to individuals and AI respectively. Ultimately, an atlas visualizing aliens from the internal worlds will be developed, prompting audiences to introspect their cognitive biases and perceptions of otherness.

Pamela Varela + Ella Hebendanz & Joris Koene


re-c(O)unting is an artistic-scientific research questioning how we can transform the production of knowledge; it is a decolonial healing journey into the transgenerational trauma our lands and bodies store. Deconstructing the binarisms between nature/technology, science/spirituality, male/female, we zoom out and into the relationship between Europe and Latin America. Re-"discovering" our female-assigned bodies, we create an extended-video installation accompanied by a live performance. We delve into our deepest insides to reveal the magick of science and retell the stories.

*We use cunt to refer to vulva while reappropriating the swear word. "Count" means to acknowledge, to tell a story, and to count numbers, so it links to "computation". The O alludes to the "big O", which refers to the orgasm but is also an algorithmical term. The circle is a hypnotic shape. re-c(O)unting encompasses the stories to be retold, the cunts to be acknowledged, computation as a eld to be reclaimed, and the altered states to be experienced.

A special thank you to the judges of this year's BAD Award jury: Gerda Bosman, Catherine Kramer, Victoria McKenzie, Michael Sedbon and Prof. MD PhD Henry de Vries. And to our unique consortium of five partners from Brabant - BioArt Laboratories, Dutch Design Foundation, MU Hybrid Art House, Next Nature and The Master Institute of Visual Cultures (St Joost School of Art & Design).

Now it is up to you to decide who wins the BAD Audience Award 2023.