Press Coverage
Le design de demain sera-t-il biologique? [in French]
[26-01-2021] Beaux Arts Magazine by Sophie Bernal
Bio Art and Design in the Exhibition 'Evolutionaries'
[07-01-2021] Article by Digicult
Evolutionaries toont sterke verbinding tussen kunst en wetenschap in MU [in Dutch]
[05-01-2021] article by Simone Vos for MEST
Dal brodo primordiale agli zombie: le strane evoluzioni al MU di Eindhoven [in Italian]
[03-12-2020] article by
Uitsluiting en Zombies [in Dutch]
[December 2020] John Ekkelboom for Amsterdam UMC scientific magazine
The paradox of Alien Plants: between protection and destruction
[28-03-2020] Minji Choi for Plant Fever
Emma van der Leest laat een duurzame toekomst groeien [in Dutch]
[05-12-2019] Maarten Buser for De Lage Landen
Muterende systemen bij MU in Eindhoven [in Dutch]
[08-03-2019] Frits Dijcks for Jegens & Tevens
Hoe levend kunst kan zijn - biokunst en de toekomst [in Dutch]
[06.02.2019] Maarten Buser for Metropolis M
Liggen is ook een kunst
[01-01-2019] Fenna van der Grient for The New Scientist
Expo in MU Eindhoven: Wat laten we achter op onze aarde? [NL]
[10-12-18] Merel van den Nieuwenhof for Eindhovens Dagblad
Expo Life Time: na de apocalyps [NL]
[14-12-2017] Anneke van Wolfswinkel for Eindhovens Dagblad, via Blendle
[11-12-2017] Digicult on the Life Time expo
Bio art at Fluid Matter exhibition
[08-12-2016] Waag Society on the winners of 2016
Fluid Matter @ MU [NL]
[16-01-2017] Trendbeheer on de Fluid Matter expo
De levendige kleuren van stervende algen [NL]
[10-01-2017] Dutch translation of "Decaying, Fluorescent Algae Is Surprisingly Beautiful"
Decaying, Fluorescent Algae Is Surprisingly Beautiful
[07-01-2017] The Creator Project (VICE)
Cientista português vence prémio na Holanda [PT]
[06-11-2017] Boas Noticas
Eindhoven. MU. Fluid Matter. Liquid and Life in Motion
[21-11-2016] Article on the Fluid Matter expo
Estuary installation at Fluid Matter exhibition showcases fluorescent algae bio art
[04-01-2017] Article on Xandra van der Eijk's Estuary
Vloeibare schoonheid afkomstig uit het lab [NL]
[26-11-2016] Newspaper article on the Fluid Matter expo
Snapshots van de toekomst [NL]
[22-12-2016] by MEST magazine
Een gebakken placenta en een wonderlamp [NL]
[12-12-2016] Eindhovens Dagblad via Blendle
[27-11-2017] article by Nationale Onderwijs Gids (only available in Dutch)
Netherlands Silicon Valley Biotech Exhibit Has 3D Printing Focus
[10-02-2017] article about Fluid Matter expo
Fluorescent Bio-Art at MU Artspace Eindhoven
[06-01-2017] article on Fluid Matter expo by
A glimpse at time
[20-01-2018] The New Scientist (print)
Life Time: Bio-art comes of age at a gem of a show
[15-01-2018] The New Scientist (online)
An exhibition at MU artspace, Eindhoven
[09-01-2018] article by
€25.000 voor winnaars Bio Art & Design Award 2018 [NL]
[18-01-2018] article by
BAD award winner Xandra van der Eijk in Life Time expo at MU art space [NL]
[31-12-2017] article by KABK on Sandra van der Eijk in Life Time expo
Expositie Life Time met werken van BAD Award-winnaars 2017 [NL]
[24-11-2017] article by one of BAD's sponsors NWO